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Savings through solar

Published 21st July 2021
Council's solar panels are generating almost HALF of the Civic Centre’s energy requirements.

Savings through solar

As part of the 2019/20 Capital Projects budgeting process, Council installed solar panels on the Community and Civic Centre roof in an attempt to offset some of the building’s electricity costs.

The installation of the Solar Panel Management System (SPMS) was completed in June 2020 and delivered under budget with a final total cost of $70,599.50.

One full year since the SPMS installation, between 1 July 2020 and 30 June 2021, the SPMS has:

  • Generated 41.54% of the Civic Centre’s energy requirements; and
  • Delivered a total saving of $20,363.52, representing a saving of 44.80% of the Civic Centre’s total electricity costs from the previous year.

The SPMS also indicates that since the installation of the system, Council has reduced its Carbon Emissions by 32,278.65 kg, which is the equivalent to 963.42 trees planted.