Community Land Register & Community Land Management Plans
Council is committed to maintaining all land under its management for a range of purposes including (but not restricted to) recreation, tourism, community use and conservation, as well as further ensuring that these valuable assets are managed in the best interests of the community; both current and future.
Under Chapter 11 of the Local Government Act 1999, a Council must prepare and adopt a Management Plan for its community land - this includes if the land is occupied under a lease or license, or if any modification of the land is to be undertaken for the benefit of the community.
The Town of Walkerville has prepared its Community Land Register (CLR) in accordance with section 207 of the Local Government Act 1999 and associated Community Land Management Plans (CLMP) in accordance with section 196 of the Local Government Act 1999 for those parcels either owned by or under the care and control of Council.
First implemented in 2004, then reviewed in 2016 and again in 2019, the CLR includes seven Management Plans which respectively govern the following:
- Parks, Reserves & Open Space
- Walkerville Oval Precinct
- Walkerville Memorial Garden
- Linear Park
- Creswell Reserve Sports & Recreation
- Walkerville Wesleyan Cemetery
- Levi Caravan Park